How to Avoid Online Dog Scammers

Nine unique tips to spot the pandemic puppy scams

3 min readJan 27, 2021


small newborn puppy sleeping in mans arms
Photo by Lydia Torrey on Unsplash

In 2021, the pandemic is still very serious and millions of families are spending more time at home than ever. The surge of COVID-19 lead to an increase in pet adoption, purchasing, and demand. Rescue organizations are overwhelmed by the number of homes willing to support a rescue dog. While this is great for dogs who need homes, the high demand low supply has presented an opportunity for scammers and eager inexperienced targets.

Puppy proof

If the puppy pictures seem too good to be true, they just might be. It’s extremely difficult to think logically when emotions are involved. Getting a dog should be a very exciting milestone. Receiving multiple photos of adorable puppies that could become your own heightens the excitement and chemicals in your brain that may cloud your judgement.

This tip is useful if you are at all suspicious that the person you’re talking to might be trying to scam you. You can reverse image search the photo online. This may sound techie, but I assure you, it’s very simple and I’ve written out how to do it step-by-step.

How to reverse image search

  1. Save the image to your device




I am a Digital Marketing Director. I love my dog more than anything. My favourite colour is grey. I drive a Jeep Wrangler.